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Ad Building Pre 1920

The building that started our campus. It stood as the only building for a number of years. The Ad Building served every aspect from housing, to cafeteria, to classrooms, and so much more in those early years. A fire in January or 1919 changed the facade

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Administration Building with short trees [3506 views] Administration Building from the southeast before trees got very large [1465 views] The Administration Building from the northeast through the trees. [3355 views] Young people playing a game (possibly baseball) east of the Administration Building. [3442 views] Southeast view of the Administration Building. [3196 views] Administration Building through the trees.  Pre-1919 fire. [3202 views] Walkway to the Administration Building; taken before College Avenue was in place. [3155 views] The Administration Building before the trees were very large. [3092 views] The Administration Building and its attached dorm during a blizzard.  Pre-1919 fire [3287 views] The Administration Building.  Pre-1919 fire. [2883 views] A horse and carriage to the side of the old Administration Building.  Students going to school. [3262 views] Double exposure of the Administration Building taken from Science Hall. [3168 views] Three feet of snow covering the ground in front of the Administration Building.  Between January 31st and February 2nd, 37.5 inches of snow had fallen. [3173 views] After the Administration Building fire.  January 28th.  All the belongings had been put out on the front lawn.  Many were thrown from the building as it was on fire. [2979 views] The Administration Building and Sanitarium (?).  Pre-1919 fire [2923 views] The Administration Building Bell Tower; picture in the 1918 Mountain Ash.  Picture taken from S.W. side of campus. [3039 views] Administration Building and Sanitarium, seen from the southeast. [1430 views] The Administration Building.  Pre-1919 fire [2816 views] The Administration Building through the trees.  Pre-1919 fire. [2927 views] Administration Building [3000 views] Postcard of an old car driving in front of the Administration Building [2370 views] Administration Building [2073 views] Administration Building [2077 views] Wooden walkway built in 1906, connecting the Walla Walla sanitarium to the northeast corner of the Administration Building. [2689 views] The 1915 class gift drinking fountain in front of the Administration Building; shortly after the Gateway to Service was constructed in 1921. [3173 views] Administration Building prior to the 1919 fire [1438 views] The old dorm, probably of South Hall looking north at the Ad building.  Taken about 1910. [2820 views] Southeast view of the Administration Building and the Normal Building at dusk.  1909-1910 [2430 views] The back side of the Administration Building before the fire. [2244 views] Administration Building [1951 views]
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WWU Archives Digital Photo Collection : Walla Walla College/University : Buildings on Campus : Administration Building : Ad Building Pre 1920

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